BONUS: Episode 7 – Stupak: the Game

Surgeon General’s Warning: This episode of The Neon Gutter is a gift to you. And keeping it in the gutter, it’s cheap and may be hazardous to your ears. So, listeners be forewarned that you are entering the Stupak Community Center where the Neon Gutter gang played “Stupak: the Game,” designed by Bob Stupak, whom you may have heard about in episodes 1 and 2.

This is freewheeling, noisy, and as exciting as listening to a bunch of guys playing a terrible board game sounds. You have been warned.

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Stupak Community Center
We arrive at the wonderful, pleasant Stupak Community Center, whose staff was friendly and helpful.
Prize Pool
The winner of Stupak: the Game received a prize package of untold cash and other riches.
Stupak: the Game
The board for Stupak: the Game. Triceratops not included.
Bob Stupak's Lucky Juice
Matt brought a can of Bob Stupak’s “Lucky Juice” to give him an edge in the game. If you’d like to make your own Lucky Juice, click here to print a label.
The entire gang playing Stupak: the Game
The entire gang hunkers down to play the game in the teen room at the Stupak Community Center.