Episode 2 – The Beef Tongue Matter

In this episode, the Neon Gutter recounts the many ways they thanked Bob Stupak for the free money, free rooms, and free drinks with a series of practical jokes involving a lump of beef, police tape, Jell-o, and the most advanced printing technology the era offered to college kids. One of the jokes had a lasting legacy on Vegas World in its waning days.

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Bob Stupak at Vegas World
The target of our generosity, Bob Stupak, here in his natural habitat. Taken from a free Vegas World postcard.
Strat Tower
The Vegas World Stratosphere Tower, which Bob was trying to build on the cheap, and would ultimately cost him his empire. From a free Vegas World postcard, and not drawn to scale.
Vegas World van
A dilapidated van awaiting a merciful execution. Behind is the Vegas World “Design and Development Center” where we assume they spray-painted styrofoam balls. By the end of its run, Vegas World was not much better off than the van.
A beef tongue that was gifted to Bob Stupak in the Vegas World elevator.
A beef tongue that was gifted to Bob Stupak in the Vegas World elevator.
Vegas World Fun Book
The cover of the Vegas World ersatz funbook.
Space Nachos
A tantalizing plate of free space nachos! You can tell they’re authentic from the sombrero Bob is wearing.
Free Ice Cream
Bob’s really enjoying that free icee cream from the non-existent Sweet Shoppe.
Free Keno Crayon
Now you can have that keno crayon you always wanted but thought was too expensive.
Allen and Rossi Show Ticket
A genuine free show ticket was included in every funbook because we had hundreds sitting around.
Mark loading up with gelatin
Mark in a Vegas World hotel room. He loads up with hot gelatin mix before a trip down to the toilets in Vegas World’s casino. Note the heavy jacket used to hide the gelatin’s bulk.